• Welcome to the Rezl Life Community

    A place where we can share ideas, information and experiences.

    Rezl is a smartphone app designed to increase resilience in all of us. Visit www.rezl.com.

How To.... - Advice on using Rezl


New member
I found it difficult to find a regular time to use Rezl - yet this video helped me to establish the "Rezl Habit":


New member
I completed the course and am working through the maintenance programme - yet I dip into the toolbox for the mountain meditation and the pressure and stress mediation.


New member
Simple question: When does grounded mean?
The rezl sessions sometimes use the term “grounded” – to mean the feeling of connection with the earth… of being safe and secure… able to set aside worries… like you’re on “solid ground”… and that you are focused on only this moment – “Here, Now” – and not ruminating about the past or worrying about the future.
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